Engagement Options
Surveys over the past 10 years suggest that almost all the nation’s fastest-growing companies (83% to 93%) outsource at least some of their HR functions. Reasons range from reducing operating costs, compliance with complex regulations, process efficiencies, freeing up of internal resources, lack of internal resources and increasing availability of capital funds.
H2R-Solutions has developed several packages to easily engage with us when the time is right:
HR on Retainer
New and growing businesses oftentimes have regular HR needs but can’t justify a full-time HR Professional. The HR Retainer program is ideal for businesses that require ongoing HR support. Packages are customizable and vary from a few hours to 40 hours per month (and beyond!), with an economical fee structure that is lower than our typical hourly rate.
HR Project-Based Solutions
Special projects are inevitable but can rob a company of employees' valuable time. Our HR Project-based solutions focus on your strategic endeavors, from implementing HRIS systems to compensation planning and everything in between. We can manage the entire project or simply work as a member of your team.
Interim HR
Provides long or short-term relief to fill a void in your HR department. In addition to providing interim support, we can help you find the perfect fit, all while ensuring you never lose access to expert HR advice and support.
HR On Demand
For new or growing businesses, the decision of when to add human resources personnel can be challenging. HR On Demand is designed to ensure you always have an HR expert available to supplement your internal capabilities.
Need a solution not outlined above? Contact us!
We’re not one size fits all...we fit you.